Hi..this is my first blog and it will be about the COVID-19 and some related questions and facts about it.
I will be talking about COVID -19 as this is the hot cake and all of us are experiencing it in some or other way. I will also discuss about some things about China which will spin your heads and make you wonder..could this happen ?
Disclaimer : These are my thoughts on the pandemic Covid- 19 aka corona virus and has no connection to anything that would happen or has happened. Also countries I would be talking about would be based on my own judgement.
Corona Virus as we all know originated from China and has taken the whole World for a toss.
The current cases in the world is 22,40,191 ie. 22 lakh approx and 1.5 lakh deaths.
The death rate is approximately 2% of the total people infected by it.
In India's case I had prepared a forecast for the spread of Covid-19 cases on 10 April or so only to see the figure on 14th April 20, as the lock down was getting over at that time. So , I just wanted to see whether it will be lifted or not. To my amaze the figures were approx the same the next day which is 11 April and then I shared it with my friends also. They also told me that how exact the figures were.
So here it is you can also see the cases will rise in future.
Fact 1: Covid -19 is so heavy that if you brush it off from your clothes or yank it off it will fall down to the ground.
Fact 2: Covid -19 can be aerosol. This means that if someone sneezes then small particles of it in the from of droplets can remain in the air for sometime like 1 hour and if somebody inhales it in the vicinity he or she can get infected as well.
Fact 3: There is no drug for this virus till now.
Fact 4: Corona Virus origin is still not known, whether it has originated from Wuhan Meat Shop or it is was made in some lab in China.
Fact 5: Patient Zero has not still not been found. One patient which China claims to be patient zero was infected much later than the actual virus spread.
Fact 6: Corona Virus can remain in your body and you may not know. This is called asymptomatic behavior of the virus. You still have the tendency to infect other people.
Now to make it interesting, I will put before you some questions which you can also think about ?
Question 1: China super computer says that the virus was discovered by USA about 3 years before.?
Question 2: How can one virus be so technically the right fit as it targets only the elderly population and people with illness?
Question 3: How can virus mutate so fast according to the changes in the environment?
Yes..covid-19 is said to be mutated in different regions of the world..like different versions of it are there in different parts of the world. This means it can adapt to the changing environment and succesfully sustain.
Question 4: How did Prince Charles age 71 recovered in less than one weeks time ? Tested positive on 25 March and recovered on 1 April,2020
Question 5: Why China ordered 2.5 Lakh body bags from Taiwan ?
Question 6: Will this corona virus end ? or we have to live with it ?
If no cure is found for this corona virus then it may not end so easily even with social distancing. If one infected person remains then it will affect others and this cycle would start again.
If you have read till here then you deserve to know much more of what I have found, which might be or might not be true. As I told you before that my writing got lost and I have to write this again so this time I wont be sharing the articles links with you as I have already finished my subscription of THE DIPLOMAT. You can always google and find it for yourself.
Now to start with, the two biggest countries in the world CHINA & US.
The China also drew a 9 dash line in 2016 at South China Sea to mark its teriitorial boundaries by force and taking full control on the parcel and spartly islands.
So, all of this happened after 2001 attack on WTC, Newyork City.
Some questions that would make your mind to think..
project: zhejiang gate towers
client: shimao property group
location: hangzhou, zhejiang province, china
status: construction started in 2015, the towers will commence in 2017, completion due 2019
size: two towers 280 m high, each 125,000 sqm; total area: 370,000 sqm
Like Pakistan port Gwadar Port made by China is a threat to INDIA.
US Fault
Now, moving to corona virus, people say it was from the wuhan wet market some say that it is from wuhan lab of virology. But, what if US has brought this from their country and then spread in wuhan wet market to destroy China's growing economy and power. Now you may ask why ?
PREDICT a US organisation founded in 2013 aims at the discovery of finding new viruses in the world which could cause a pandemic.
They have found of about 1000 deadly viruses in the whole world. In some countries way before the virus could actually spread.
Now, this organisation was shut down in December 2019, just before the corona virus outbreak. WHY ?
They may have predicted the corona virus and didn't informed the Chinese or they had discovered it themselves and then spread it to China.
Maybe the virus was spread from Wuhan virology lab and purposely spread in Wuhan
China controlled the virus concentration to Wuhan only and did not let it affect the other parts of China.
How ? How was China so strict about the virus from the beginning ? Did they know how harmful it can be ?
China didn't reported the number of casualties it actually had and what threat it could pose?
Donald Trump just before the corona outbreak visited India in January and made a statement that we have a great trade deal coming for INDIA very soon and it will benefit India in a great way.
Now the question is ..was he referring to Hydroxychloroquine ?
Did Trump already knew a potential drug for corona and that India has mass production of that ?
India just shipped tonnes of Hydroxychloroquine to 55 countries.
Trump also visited France to celebrate the D- DAY, Normandy Landings in which allied forces of US, France and United Kingdom fought hand in hand against the Axis Forces of Germany and Italy.
Does Trump wants to reinforce their relations with these countries if anything goes wrong and there is a world tension situation.
Could this be the start of World War 3 ?
How long would corona be there ?
Who's fault it is ?
I would like to hear your comments and suggestions on this.
Please provide your comments in the comment section.
I will be talking about COVID -19 as this is the hot cake and all of us are experiencing it in some or other way. I will also discuss about some things about China which will spin your heads and make you wonder..could this happen ?
Disclaimer : These are my thoughts on the pandemic Covid- 19 aka corona virus and has no connection to anything that would happen or has happened. Also countries I would be talking about would be based on my own judgement.
Corona Virus as we all know originated from China and has taken the whole World for a toss.
The current cases in the world is 22,40,191 ie. 22 lakh approx and 1.5 lakh deaths.
Corona Virus has flu like symptoms due to which it cannot be differentiated from a normal Flu.
Symptoms are cough, fever, body aches, diarrhea, running nose etc.The death rate is approximately 2% of the total people infected by it.
In India's case I had prepared a forecast for the spread of Covid-19 cases on 10 April or so only to see the figure on 14th April 20, as the lock down was getting over at that time. So , I just wanted to see whether it will be lifted or not. To my amaze the figures were approx the same the next day which is 11 April and then I shared it with my friends also. They also told me that how exact the figures were.
So here it is you can also see the cases will rise in future.
DATE 10-Apr |
11-Apr | 8294.11775 |
12-Apr | 9289.1461 |
13-Apr | 10464.1026 |
14-Apr | 11735.2998 |
15-Apr | 13175.1249 |
16-Apr | 14801.0574 |
17-Apr | 16615.6829 |
18-Apr | 18657.6842 |
19-Apr | 20951.6421 |
20-Apr | 23525.1084 |
21-Apr | 26416.0815 |
22-Apr | 29662.2728 |
23-Apr | 33306.8882 |
24-Apr | 37399.683 |
25-Apr | 41995.3322 |
26-Apr | 47155.6081 |
27-Apr | 52950.0516 |
28-Apr | 59456.482 |
29-Apr | 66762.4024 |
30-Apr | 74966.082 |
01-May | 84177.8102 |
02-May | 94521.4622 |
03-May | 106136.132 (1 lakh) |
04-May | 119177.993 |
05-May | 133822.421 |
06-May | 150266.337 |
07-May | 168730.858 |
08-May | 189464.275 |
09-May | 212745.385 |
10-May | 238887.246 |
11-May | 268241.383 |
12-May | 301202.517 |
13-May | 338213.869 |
14-May | 379773.125 |
15-May | 426439.126 |
16-May | 478839.381 |
17-May | 537678.507 |
18-May | 603747.704 |
19-May | 677935.394 |
20-May | 761239.165 |
21-May | 854779.19 |
22-May | 959813.284 |
23-May | 1077753.82 |
24-May | 1210186.74 |
25-May | 1358892.82 |
26-May | 1525871.71 |
27-May | 1713368.73 |
28-May | 1923905.13 |
29-May | 2160311.95 |
30-May | 2425768.12 |
31-May | 2723843.18 |
01-Jun | 3058545.3 |
02-Jun | 3434375.15 |
03-Jun | 3856386.45 |
04-Jun | 4330253.93 |
05-Jun | 4862349.59 |
06-Jun | 5459828.44 |
07-Jun | 6130724.67 |
08-Jun | 6884059.71 |
09-Jun | 7729963.53 |
10-Jun | 8679810.84 |
11-Jun | 9746374.09 |
12-Jun | 10943995.2 |
13-Jun | 12288778.3 |
14-Jun | 13798806.5 |
15-Jun | 15494384.9 |
16-Jun | 17398313.7 |
17-Jun | 19536194.6 |
18-Jun | 21936775.4 |
19-Jun | 24632336.3 |
20-Jun | 27659124 |
21-Jun | 31057839.2 |
22-Jun | 34874183.9 |
23-Jun | 39159475.7 |
24-Jun | 43971338.4 |
25-Jun | 49374476.2 |
26-Jun | 55441544.1 |
27-Jun | 62254125 |
28-Jun | 69903826.4 |
29-Jun | 78493512.7 |
30-Jun | 88138687.9 |
*these are tentative cases if things go on like this.
The situation would be better than the figures above as government is taking sincere efforts for the control of this virus.
I would now like to tell you some facts about corona virus which you might know or might not.
Fact 2: Covid -19 can be aerosol. This means that if someone sneezes then small particles of it in the from of droplets can remain in the air for sometime like 1 hour and if somebody inhales it in the vicinity he or she can get infected as well.
Fact 3: There is no drug for this virus till now.
Fact 4: Corona Virus origin is still not known, whether it has originated from Wuhan Meat Shop or it is was made in some lab in China.
Fact 5: Patient Zero has not still not been found. One patient which China claims to be patient zero was infected much later than the actual virus spread.
Fact 6: Corona Virus can remain in your body and you may not know. This is called asymptomatic behavior of the virus. You still have the tendency to infect other people.
Now to make it interesting, I will put before you some questions which you can also think about ?
Question 1: China super computer says that the virus was discovered by USA about 3 years before.?
Question 2: How can one virus be so technically the right fit as it targets only the elderly population and people with illness?
Question 3: How can virus mutate so fast according to the changes in the environment?
Yes..covid-19 is said to be mutated in different regions of the world..like different versions of it are there in different parts of the world. This means it can adapt to the changing environment and succesfully sustain.
Question 4: How did Prince Charles age 71 recovered in less than one weeks time ? Tested positive on 25 March and recovered on 1 April,2020
Question 5: Why China ordered 2.5 Lakh body bags from Taiwan ?
Question 6: Will this corona virus end ? or we have to live with it ?
If no cure is found for this corona virus then it may not end so easily even with social distancing. If one infected person remains then it will affect others and this cycle would start again.
If you have read till here then you deserve to know much more of what I have found, which might be or might not be true. As I told you before that my writing got lost and I have to write this again so this time I wont be sharing the articles links with you as I have already finished my subscription of THE DIPLOMAT. You can always google and find it for yourself.
Now to start with, the two biggest countries in the world CHINA & US.
- CHINA and US are in a trade war for a very long time rolling back to 2000 and before. The reason is CHINA is the largest producer in the world and accounts for 30% of the world total production.
- US on the other hand has a great GDP and great economy by producing world class products.
- CHINA and US increase each other trade tariffs so that country cannot sell in respective countries and both of them are a biggest producer and consumer at the same time.
- So tensions were there between both countries till 2001 and then 11 Sept 2001...the WORLD TRADE CENTER ATTACK. After which the US economy collapsed and there motive changed. They wasted time to eradicate terrorism and went after Osama Bin Laden, Alkaeda , Taliban and wasted years.
- Now, this was a blessing in disguise for CHINA as US was out of their way. CHINA doubled to tripled there expansion in Europe, bought big companies like Perelli Tyres and many more.30% of European companies are owned by Chinese.
- They even started off with the Silk Belt and Road Initiative in 2003 to enhance their expansion in Europe and Middle Asia.
- China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is the biggest infrastructure project in human history. This overarching program – which includes overland routes through Central Asia in the Silk Road Economic Belt, plus a seaborne component called the Maritime Silk Road that skirts the southern rim of Asia on the Indian Ocean route to the Middle East and Europe – is central to China’s ambition of becoming the preeminent world power
The China also drew a 9 dash line in 2016 at South China Sea to mark its teriitorial boundaries by force and taking full control on the parcel and spartly islands.
So, all of this happened after 2001 attack on WTC, Newyork City.
Some questions that would make your mind to think..
- There was no news of WTC attacks on China TV the next day.
- There were trade tensions between US and China in early start of 2001 which led to disturbed relations.
- George Bush promised Taiwan President of delivering 150 F-16 jets to combat against China's oppression in 2001 just before WTC attack. On this China was very angry. "still that deal has not completed"
- China company Huwaei claims to have done a technological deal with Alkaeda, Taliban just before the strike.
- After the attacks CHINA was the country to benefit the most as US economy dropped and the country's goal was shifted towards elimination of Alkaeda and Osama Bin Laden and later on ISIS. CHINA could now expand in Europe without any fear and they did so.
- Osama Bin Laden was found in Pakistan which was weird. Pakistan has friendly relation with China.
- China is making a similar building like the WTC. See below.
project: zhejiang gate towers
client: shimao property group
location: hangzhou, zhejiang province, china
status: construction started in 2015, the towers will commence in 2017, completion due 2019
size: two towers 280 m high, each 125,000 sqm; total area: 370,000 sqm
- China has also built many ports in different countries like Sri Lanka, Pakistan and South Africa at first telling them that this is for your economic trade and would yield you profits but later on these ports were found to non financially viable and no business was happening from here. Due to this the countries were unable to pay the interest to the Chinese ending up in giving the ports to CHINA on lease basis. And taking adavantage of this the Chinese could treat it as there naval base to mark its dominance on the world.
Like Pakistan port Gwadar Port made by China is a threat to INDIA.
US Fault
Now, moving to corona virus, people say it was from the wuhan wet market some say that it is from wuhan lab of virology. But, what if US has brought this from their country and then spread in wuhan wet market to destroy China's growing economy and power. Now you may ask why ?
PREDICT a US organisation founded in 2013 aims at the discovery of finding new viruses in the world which could cause a pandemic.
They have found of about 1000 deadly viruses in the whole world. In some countries way before the virus could actually spread.
Now, this organisation was shut down in December 2019, just before the corona virus outbreak. WHY ?
They may have predicted the corona virus and didn't informed the Chinese or they had discovered it themselves and then spread it to China.
Maybe the virus was spread from Wuhan virology lab and purposely spread in Wuhan
China controlled the virus concentration to Wuhan only and did not let it affect the other parts of China.
How ? How was China so strict about the virus from the beginning ? Did they know how harmful it can be ?
China didn't reported the number of casualties it actually had and what threat it could pose?
Donald Trump just before the corona outbreak visited India in January and made a statement that we have a great trade deal coming for INDIA very soon and it will benefit India in a great way.
Now the question is ..was he referring to Hydroxychloroquine ?
Did Trump already knew a potential drug for corona and that India has mass production of that ?
India just shipped tonnes of Hydroxychloroquine to 55 countries.
Trump also visited France to celebrate the D- DAY, Normandy Landings in which allied forces of US, France and United Kingdom fought hand in hand against the Axis Forces of Germany and Italy.
Does Trump wants to reinforce their relations with these countries if anything goes wrong and there is a world tension situation.
- China has bought 1.75 lakh shares of HDFC Bank the leading private sector bank in India.
- China still continues to buy tech companies in US and Europe shares of which have gone extremely down and making presence in Europe and US.
- Chinese equipment and test kits are being returned by the countries like Spain, Netherlands calling them faulty and not fit to use.
- The IMF has said that world is reaching a great depression and could be worse than 2008 year.
- China has formed up ships on south china sea and US has sent its aircraft carriers there.
- European Countries have now started opposing the Silk Belt and Road Initiative of China which the Chinese were counting on. The project has already reached completion and China has invested billions of dollars in it.
Could this be the start of World War 3 ?
How long would corona be there ?
Who's fault it is ?
I would like to hear your comments and suggestions on this.
Please provide your comments in the comment section.